Each Fabulamundi partner presented itself and shared its experience in the project, talking about collaborations with foreign authors hosted in its own country and focusing on the work of their national playwrights around Europe.
Below the video of each partner:
Bernhard Studlar for Wiener Wortstaetten, Austria
Cristina Da Milano for CAE Culture Action Europe, Belgium
Martina Schlegelova for Theatre Letí, Czech Republic
Michel Didym for La Mousson d’Été, France
Caroline Marcilhac for Théatre Ouvert, France
Werner Waas for Interkulturelles Theaterzentrum Berlin e.V., Germany
Francesca Corona for AREAO6/Short Theatre, Italy
Francesca Garolla for Teatro i, Italy
Aldona Figura for Teatr Dramatyczny m. st. Warszawy, Poland
Alina Nelega for University of Arts of Targu Mures, Romania
Tamara Susoi for Teatrul Oden, Romania
Victor Muños for Sala Beckett/Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia, Spain