Dunring Mousson d’hiver 2018 there were the following Fabulamundi activities:
The Spanish author Helena Tornero led a workshop about dramaturgical writing
for students of the Lettres et Sciences Humaines campus. The event organized by The Mousson d’Hiver was at the University of Lorraine from 14th to 16th March.
The Spanish author Helena Tornero led a translation residence from Spanish to French from her text F/M (DEVIL IS ALIVE AND WELL), in collaboration with the translator Laurent Gallardo. The residence took place at Théâtre de la Manufacture within the frame of La Mousson d’Hiver from 14 to 16 March.
The German author Bonn Park led a translation residence from German to French from his text TRAURIGKEIT & MELANCHOLIE, in collaboration with the translator Leyla-Claire Rabih. The residence took place at Goethe-Institut within the frame of La Mousson d’Hiver from 19th to 21th March.
On 20th March within the frame of La Mousson d’Hiver took place the reading of the text Head Under Water, written by the Spanish author Helena Tornero . Reading directed by Christine Koetzel, with students L3 Cultural Studies (Nancy).
On 20th March, within the frame of La Mousson d’Hiver, took place the reading of the text The Rumbling of the Milky Way, written by the German author Bonn Park . Reading directed by Michel Didym with the students of Sciences Po (Nancy).