
Interkulturelle Theaterzentrum Itz e.V. (Berlin)

ItzBerlin e.V. is acting mainly with young people (10-16) with multicultural and migration background in collaboration with schools (Kepler Schule, Adolf Reichwein Schule, Albert Einstein Gymnasium, Herman Nohl Schule, Loewenzahn Schule), multicultural associations such as TDZ (tuerkisch deutsches Zentrum), RoMa-Trial e.V., Vincentino Foundation, etc. We are part of a local network for cultural activities called Kulturnetzwerk Neukoelln.  Our main interest is to cross borders, generational borders, borders of language, discipline, genre, social borders. We are offering a wide range of activities: from theatre workshops, dance workshops, but also productions of contemporary playwrights, readings, up to concerts, open mike sessions, common meals with discussions or construction workshops, public gardening, cinema projections. Heart of the Itz activities is the “Jugendtheaterwerkstatt Neukoelln” financed by the Bundesamt for Migration and Refuges, BAMF, which is acting in the “Hauser”, our project room at the Esperantoplatz.

European Theatre Convention

As the largest network of public theatres in Europe, the European Theatre Convention (ETC) has 57 European Members from 30 countries.  ETC fosters an inclusive and sustainable notion of theatre that brings Europe‘s social, linguistic and cultural heritage and diversity to audiences and communities in Europe and beyond. ETC offers its members an artistically driven programme testing innovative formats to reach wider and diverse audiences, and a platform for professional exchange and development of theatre makers and institutions.  Youth theatre, participatory theatre and digital theatre are key practices that are explored internationally by ETC. With its Young Europe project, ETC strives to reach and empower youth through the art of theatre and direct the spotlight on the critical and diverse voices of the future generation. ETC‘s Young Europe programme started in 2008 and is currently runs it’s 4th edition.

september, 2024

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 Past Events

may 2016

08apr(apr 8)1:00 am31may(may 31)1:00 amTeater an Der Parkaue - Copii Răi

june 2016

01jun1:00 am01jul1:00 amTeater an Der Parkaue - Copii Răi

october 2017

18oct1:00 am1:00 amFirst AD workshop with Interkulturelle Theaterzentrum Itz e.V.

january 2018

15jan(jan 15)1:00 am16(jan 16)1:00 am6° German National Playwrights Meeting

april 2018

25apr(apr 25)1:00 am27(apr 27)1:00 amFirst Mob Pro in London

may 2018

14may(may 14)1:00 am28(may 28)1:00 amIndustria Indipendente at ITZ Berlin

october 2018

13oct(oct 13)1:00 am14(oct 14)1:00 amDramatische Republik: 8 Fabulamundi's texts in Berlin

02oct(oct 2)1:00 am31(oct 31)1:00 amRehearsal of two new productions in Berlin

01oct1:00 am19apr(apr 19)1:00 amWorkshop about a text by Małgorzata Sikorska-Miszczuk

01oct1:00 am13apr(apr 13)1:00 amworkshop about the text "Bad Kids" by Mihaela Michailov

november 2018

11nov1:00 am1:00 am"Extremophile" by Alexandra Badea in Berlin

10nov1:00 am1:00 amMiroslava Svolikova's "Die hockenden" in Berlin

december 2018

07dec(dec 7)1:00 am22(dec 22)1:00 am"Das Wunder vom Wedding" by Katharina Schlender at TAK Kreuzberg / Probebühne

january 2019

11jan(jan 11)1:00 am12(jan 12)1:00 ama special networking activity in UK

01jan1:00 am19may(may 19)1:00 amWorkshop on a Vit Perina text in Berlin

february 2019

01feb1:00 am28(feb 28)1:00 amWorkshop with children on a text by Malgorzata Sikorska-Misczuk

march 2019

23mar(mar 23)1:00 am24(mar 24)1:00 amGerard Watkins in Berlin for Dramatische Republik

05mar(mar 5)1:00 am07(mar 7)1:00 amMOB PRO WARSAW

april 2019

12apr(apr 12)1:00 am09may(may 9)1:00 amFabulamundi - Call for Associate Researcher

may 2019

22may1:00 am1:00 amWerner Fritsch at Brotfabrik Theatre

21may(may 21)1:00 am23(may 23)1:00 amMob-Pro Vienna

18may(may 18)1:00 am25(may 25)1:00 amTwo texts of Małgorzata Sikorska-Miszczuk at Berlin

june 2019

21jun(jun 21)1:00 am22(jun 22)1:00 amFabrizio Sinisi at Dramatische Republik

august 2019

30aug(aug 30)1:00 am31(aug 31)1:00 amJaroslav Rudis in Berlin for a stage reading

september 2019

23sep(sep 23)1:00 am25(sep 25)1:00 amMOB PRO GERMANY

november 2019

29nov(nov 29)1:00 am30(nov 30)1:00 amCsaba Szekely at Haus der Statistik

06nov(nov 6)1:00 am08(nov 8)1:00 amfifth Fabulamundi Partners’ Meeting

02nov1:00 am1:00 am2 Fabulamundi's texts at Haus der Statistik (Berlin)

december 2019

14dec(dec 14)1:00 am15(dec 15)1:00 amLenka Lagronova in Berlin for a stage presentation

january 2020

24jan(jan 24)1:00 am25(jan 25)1:00 amTanja Šljivar in Berlin

march 2020

27mar(mar 27)1:00 am28(mar 28)1:00 amThe long walk by Fabrizio Sinisi in Berlin

may 2020

04may(may 4)1:00 am05(may 5)1:00 am"The speaking machine" in Berlin

june 2020

05jun(jun 5)1:00 am20(jun 20)1:00 amThe suitcase (Der Koffer) by Malgorszata Sikorski Miszusk in Berlin

august 2020

27aug(aug 27)1:00 am29(aug 29)1:00 amUm-Polen: the Polish festival in Berlin

september 2020

17sep(sep 17)1:00 am20(sep 20)1:00 amInterkulturelle Theaterzentrum Berlin e.V. festival

december 2020

20dec(dec 20)1:00 am31mar(mar 31)1:00 amPublished the final report about the Mobility Program of Fabulamundi

20dec(dec 20)1:00 am28feb(feb 28)1:00 amFabulamundi Workbook online

20dec(dec 20)1:00 am26feb(feb 26)1:00 amPublished the Final report about Audience Development within Fabulamundi

may 2023

29may01junNew Voices 1° partner meeting in Rome

september 2023

21sep(sep 21)10:07 am27(sep 27)10:07 amDialogues and Mini Plays

11sep(sep 11)10:07 am16(sep 16)10:07 amDo it yourself!

october 2023

17oct(oct 17)10:07 am19(oct 19)10:07 amNew Voices peer-to-peer meeting for playwrights in Venice

february 2024

19feb(feb 19)10:07 am22(feb 22)10:07 amNew Voices 2° partners and playwrights meeting in Paris

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