
PAV s.n.c. di Claudia Di Giacomo e Roberta Scaglione (Rome)

PAV creates and realizes cultural projects in partnership with artists and institutions.
Born in Rome in 2000, PAV specializes in the production, management and administration of cultural events, festivals, shows and conferences and works with public national institutions, theatres, foreign embassies, artists and companies, combining an institutional profile with a support to the independent scene.
These different fields of action have always made for dialogue in a natural way: such interaction has proven to be a fundamental resort for many projects and generally for the entire working experience stemming from such connections. PAV’s multifaceted activity allowed for the development of a privileged standpoint, with a 360° eye-view on contemporary theatre. |

Festival Short Theatre (Rome)

Every year a community of artists, spectators and operators meet in a special time and space, Short Theatre. A community founded on words, views, contact and the right distance. You can take part in a performance, a workshop or a conversation. Short Theatre is a chance for thinking and talking, for explaining a problem and investigating its consequences. Short Theatre is the right moment for a question and a few answers, and then for more questions.
Short Theatre presents projects that will show the audience the heart of theatre-making: workshop open to the public, non-show performances where the spectator is also the performer, shows with a peculiar set and dramaturgy that invade and get invaded by reality. With the support of European networks and Cultural Institutes, this edition will host even more international artists and more countries will be represented. The theme is contemporary dramaturgy, with a special focus on choreography and stage presence.
Every edition takes many artistic forms: performances, meetings, training courses, dj sets and concerts, installations and open conversations.
Short Theatre does not represent generations or trends, but every year it tries to start a conversation and describe an idea of theatre-making, offering a chance to conquer new frontiers, once again and always conquerable. |

february, 2025

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 Past Events

november 2016

16nov(nov 16)1:00 am25(nov 25)1:00 amWorkshop about "X-Freunde" by Felicia Zeller

01nov1:00 am30(nov 30)1:00 amWorkshop about Dancefloor Memories by Lucie Depauw

february 2017

02feb(feb 2)1:00 am05(feb 5)1:00 am"IDIOTA" by Jordi Casanovas in Rome

march 2017

16mar(mar 16)1:00 am19(mar 19)1:00 am"IDIOTA" by Jordi Casanovas in Rome

april 2017

20apr(apr 20)1:00 am22(apr 22)1:00 am"I ragazzi del cavalcavia" by Industria Indipendente in Rome

june 2017

28jun11:30 am1:30 amFabulamundi Launch Conference

26jun(jun 26)10:00 am28(jun 28)6:00 pmFabulamundi Partners Meeting

august 2017

28aug(aug 28)1:00 am12sep(sep 12)1:00 amWorkshop about "The Lulu Projeckt" by Magali Mougel (Milan)

september 2017

18sep(sep 18)1:00 am24(sep 24)1:00 amWorkshop about "Bufals" by Pau Miró (Milan)

07sep(sep 7)1:00 am08(sep 8)1:00 am"Guerrilla" by Pablo Gisbert at Short Theatre 12 (Italy)

october 2017

19oct(oct 19)1:00 am18dec(dec 18)1:00 amWorkshop about "The Lulu Projekt" by Magali Mougel (Rome)

15oct(oct 15)1:00 am30(oct 30)1:00 amWorkshop about "Dancefloor Memories" by Lucie Depauw (Milan)

november 2017

30nov1:00 am1:00 amWorkshop lead by Werner Waas at Sapienza, University of Rome

30nov(nov 30)1:00 am07dec(dec 7)1:00 amDramaturgy workshop lead by Werner Waas (Rome)

30nov(nov 30)1:00 am03dec(dec 3)1:00 amWorkshop about "Les Epoux" by David Lescot (Rome)

19nov1:00 am1:00 amPublic Discussion with Italian Authors

16nov(nov 16)1:00 am20dec(dec 20)1:00 amWorkshop about "Medea" by Roxana Marian

15nov(nov 15)1:00 am11dec(dec 11)1:00 am"Tu es libre" by Francesca Garolla at Teatro I (Italy)

06nov(nov 6)1:00 am12(nov 12)1:00 am3° National Playwrights Meeting (Italy)

02nov(nov 2)1:00 am18dec(dec 18)1:00 amWorkshop about "Le Petit Chaperon Rouge" by Joël Pommerat (Rome)

december 2017

20dec1:00 am1:00 amFour Presentations of Fabulamundi Activities

15dec1:00 am1:00 amMilan: stage presentation of "Boys don't cry" by Victoria Szpunberg

11dec(dec 11)1:00 am17(dec 17)1:00 amDramaturgy workshop lead by David Lescot and Attilio Scarpellini (Rome)

11dec(dec 11)1:00 am20(dec 20)1:00 am"How long is now?" by Roberto Scarpetti

01dec1:00 am1:00 am"Das Knurren der Milchstrasse" by Bonn Park at Goethe-Institut (Italy)

january 2018

29jan(jan 29)1:00 am07feb(feb 7)1:00 amMilan: Workshop for dancer about "Dancefloor Memories" by Lucie Depauw

19jan(jan 19)1:00 am20(jan 20)1:00 am"Tu es libre" by Francesca Garolla in Florence

february 2018

17feb(feb 17)1:00 am25(feb 25)1:00 amTomasz Mann in artistic residence in Castrovillari (Italy)

06feb(feb 6)1:00 am11(feb 11)1:00 am"Lingua Madre Mameloschn" at Teatro Stabile di Torino

01feb1:00 am07(feb 7)1:00 amAlexandra Badea in artistic residence at Castrovillari (Italy)

march 2018

15mar(mar 15)1:00 am21(mar 21)1:00 amRoman Sikora in Artistic Residence in Castrovillari (Italy)

14mar1:00 am1:00 amStage Presentation of the text "The Rumbling of the Milky Way" by Bonn Park in Teatro i (Milan)

07mar(mar 7)1:00 am12(mar 12)1:00 amStage presentation of the text "Sadness & Melancholy" by Bonn Park in Teatro i (Milan)

april 2018

25apr(apr 25)1:00 am27(apr 27)1:00 amFirst Mob Pro in London

17apr(apr 17)1:00 am23(apr 23)1:00 amHelena Tornero at Teatro I (Milan, Italy)

may 2018

30may(may 30)1:00 am10jun(jun 10)1:00 am"Avioane de hartie" by Elise Wilk at Teatro Stabile di Genova

28may(may 28)1:00 am03jun(jun 3)1:00 amFabulamundi at Primavera dei Teatri Festival (Italy)

09may1:00 am1:00 amMagali Mougel at Teatro-i (Milan)

june 2018

24jun(jun 24)1:00 am30(jun 30)1:00 amMihaela Michailov in artistic residence in Rome

19jun(jun 19)1:00 am22(jun 22)1:00 amKevin Rittberger at Teatro India / Rome

july 2018

22jul(jul 22)1:00 am28(jul 28)1:00 amMatera European Capital of Culture 2019: Industria Indipendente and Azar Mortazavi

16jul(jul 16)1:00 am27(jul 27)1:00 amJosep Maria Miró in Rome at Accademia Nazionale d'Arte Drammatica Silvio D'Amico

07jul(jul 7)1:00 am14(jul 14)1:00 amSummer School in Castel Velturno

04jul(jul 4)1:00 am14(jul 14)1:00 amBogdan Georgescu in Venice for a masterclass

september 2018

28sep(sep 28)1:00 am15oct(oct 15)1:00 amClaudius Lünstedt at CSS Udine

15sep(sep 15)1:00 am16(sep 16)1:00 amThird Fabulamundi Partner Meeting

14sep(sep 14)1:00 am17(sep 17)1:00 amExport Table at Tramedautore 2018

13sep1:00 am1:00 amHIC SUNT LEONESSE by Bogdan Georgescu

12sep(sep 12)1:00 am14(sep 14)1:00 amMOB PRO ITALY / ROME

12sep1:00 am1:00 amOutcome of the residency of Mihaela Michailov at Short Theatre Festival

11sep(sep 11)1:00 am15(sep 15)1:00 am"Leave the kids alone" a sound installation from "Paper planes" by Elise Wilk

06sep(sep 6)1:00 am16(sep 16)1:00 amFabulamundi Drama Lab

06sep(sep 6)1:00 am07(sep 7)1:00 am"António e Cleópatra" by Tiago Rodrigues

05sep(sep 5)1:00 am15(sep 15)1:00 amShort Theatre Festival

october 2018

29oct(oct 29)1:00 am09dec(dec 9)1:00 amWorkshop about Akvabely by David Drabek

01oct1:00 am07(oct 7)1:00 amFabulamundi Drama Lab: second session

november 2018

21nov(nov 21)1:00 am24(nov 24)1:00 amFirst translation session of Fabulamundi Drama Lab in Milan

19nov(nov 19)1:00 am25(nov 25)1:00 amFerran Joamiquel Pla in artistic residence in Palermo

09nov(nov 9)1:00 am12(nov 12)1:00 am"Gli sposi" by David Lescot at Teatro India

05nov(nov 5)1:00 am20(nov 20)1:00 amWorkshop led by Paola Rota and Simonetta Solder on "Illegal Helpers" by Maxi Obexer

december 2018

10dec(dec 10)1:00 am19(dec 19)1:00 amWorkshop on "Tout entière" by Guillaume Poix in Rome

06dec1:00 am1:00 am"Tout entière" by Guillaume Poix at Teatro India

01dec1:00 am1:00 amMeeting with Gérard Watkins at Circolo dei Lettori di Torino

january 2019

21jan(jan 21)1:00 am25(jan 25)1:00 amTranslation residency in Barcelona (Spain)

11jan(jan 11)1:00 am12(jan 12)1:00 ama special networking activity in UK

february 2019

18feb(feb 18)1:00 am22(feb 22)1:00 amTranslation residency of Michelangelo Zeno at Theatre Letì

18feb(feb 18)1:00 am22(feb 22)1:00 amTranslation residency of Davide Carnevali

11feb(feb 11)1:00 am15(feb 15)1:00 amTranslation residency of Roberto Scarpetti

11feb(feb 11)1:00 am15(feb 15)1:00 amTranslation residency of Giuliano Scarpinato at Teatrul Odeon

08feb(feb 8)1:00 am18(feb 18)1:00 am"Penthy sur le bande" by Magali Mougel at Teatro-i

06feb1:00 am1:00 am3 Fabulamundi texts at Teatro Rasi in Ravenna

march 2019

31mar(mar 31)1:00 am03apr(apr 3)1:00 amArtistic residence of Victoria Szpunberg on her text The speaking machine

26mar(mar 26)1:00 am31(mar 31)1:00 am"Beyond Fukuyama" by Thomas Köck at Teatro Filodrammatici in Milan

25mar(mar 25)1:00 am28(mar 28)1:00 amTranslation residency of Valentina Diana

25mar(mar 25)1:00 am28(mar 28)1:00 amTranslation residency of Fabrizio Sinisi in Milan

25mar(mar 25)1:00 am31(mar 31)1:00 amPier Lorenzo Pisano at New York City for a translation residency

17mar(mar 17)1:00 am24(mar 24)1:00 amMaxi Obexer in Crotone for Europe Connection

09mar(mar 9)1:00 am23(mar 23)1:00 am"Gli Sposi" by David Lescot in tournée

05mar(mar 5)1:00 am07(mar 7)1:00 amMOB PRO WARSAW

april 2019

27apr(apr 27)1:00 am28(apr 28)1:00 amAgata wants a job by Polish author Dana Lukasinska in Rome

23apr(apr 23)1:00 am20may(may 20)1:00 amProduction of 2 play of Gerard Watkins

12apr(apr 12)1:00 am09may(may 9)1:00 amFabulamundi - Call for Associate Researcher

01apr1:00 am07(apr 7)1:00 amArtistic residency in Rome of Muhammet Ali Bas and Francesca Garolla

may 2019

25may(may 25)1:00 am02jun(jun 2)1:00 amFabulamundi at Primavera dei Teatri Festival

21may(may 21)1:00 am23(may 23)1:00 amMob-Pro Vienna

20may(may 20)1:00 am02jun(jun 2)1:00 amTwo plays of Gérard Watkins at the National Theatre of Rome

09may(may 9)1:00 am31(may 31)1:00 amTwo Fabulamundi's authors at Civica Scuola Paolo Grassi

01may1:00 am03(may 3)1:00 amEsteve Soler in Rome for an artistic residence

june 2019

30jun(jun 30)1:00 am20jul(jul 20)1:00 amPier Lorenzo Pisano at the Royal Court

22jun1:00 am1:00 amMaxi Obexer at Festival Colline Torinesi (Torino)

20jun1:00 am1:00 amKevin Rittberger at Suq Festival in Genova

july 2019

20jul(jul 20)1:00 am30(jul 30)1:00 amWorkshop lead by Roberto Scarpetti

17jul(jul 17)1:00 am26(jul 26)1:00 amNathalie Fillon at Accademia Nazionale D'Arte Drammatica Silvio D'Amico

16jul1:00 am1:00 am"Gli Sposi" by David Lescot at Lunga Vita Festival (Rome)

14jul(jul 14)1:00 am19(jul 19)1:00 amLancelot Hamelin at Villa Medici in Rome

01jul1:00 am14(jul 14)1:00 amMagali Mougel at Venice Open Stage (Venice)

august 2019

04aug1:00 am1:00 amSadness & Melancholy by German author Bonn Park at Castellinaria

september 2019

29sep1:00 am1:00 amI regret nothing by Csaba Székely at Civica Scuola Paolo Grassi

27sep1:00 am1:00 amMilkyway by David Kostak at Civica Scuola Paolo Grassi

27sep1:00 am1:00 amIllegal Helpers by Maxi Obexer at Torino (Italy)

25sep1:00 am1:00 amContro il progresso by Esteve Soler at Civica Scuola Paolo Grassi

23sep(sep 23)1:00 am25(sep 25)1:00 amMOB PRO GERMANY

12sep(sep 12)1:00 am13(sep 13)1:00 amLancelot Hamelin at Short Theatre 2019

october 2019

21oct(oct 21)1:00 am27(oct 27)1:00 amWorkshop and artistic residence of Roberto Scarpetti

18oct(oct 18)1:00 am20(oct 20)1:00 amLullaby by Industria Indipendente at Romaeuropa Festival

november 2019

29nov(nov 29)1:00 am30(nov 30)1:00 amPoings by Pauline Peyrade at Teatro i

06nov(nov 6)1:00 am08(nov 8)1:00 amfifth Fabulamundi Partners’ Meeting

02nov1:00 am1:00 amFabulamundi at Premio Riccione Teatro

01nov1:00 am02dec(dec 2)1:00 amWorkshop on Nathalie Fillion text at Teatro India

december 2019

08dec(dec 8)1:00 am10(dec 10)1:00 amEurope Connection: first meeting between the authors and the directors

02dec1:00 am1:00 amopening of the workshop based on the text of Nathalie Fillion

february 2020

18feb(feb 18)1:00 am20(feb 20)1:00 amGuillaume Poix in Rome for a conference and a show

09feb(feb 9)1:00 am19(feb 19)1:00 amEurope Connection: artistic residences of February

01feb1:00 am16(feb 16)1:00 amTournée of "Gli Sposi" by David Lescot

march 2020