In such strange times as these, theatre continues to be a space of freedom where everything is possible, a place for resistance where we can exchange ideas and emotions.
I believe in the theatre of the word.
I believe in the word as the most revolutionary invention of all time.
I believe in the power of words. And I think that poetry is the root of everything.
I believe in the mysterious power of words, in their atavistic form that is born I know not where. I believe in the present of small children, in their capacity to imagine new worlds and to establish new game rules. I believe that language is an inexhaustible source of pleasure, of thought, of beauty…
And often, the words of Federico García Lorca come into my head: “Theatre is poetry that rises up from the book and becomes human. And it becomes human enough to talk and shout, to weep and despair.”
Marc Artigau is a graduate in Stage Directing and Playwriting from the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. As a playwright, he has premiered Cain & Abel (Biblioteca de Catalunya, 2016), Caixes (Sala Flyhard, 2015), Arbres (Sala Beckett, 2014), Aquellos días azules (Círcol Maldà, 2014), Un mosquit petit (TNC, 2014), El balneari (Temporada Alta, 2013), Una nena nua llepa-li la pell llepa-li la pell a una nena nua (Open Rehearsal, Teatre Lliure 2010), A prop (Teatre del Micalet, València, 2012) and Ushuaia (Ciutat de Sagunt Prize 2008 and Marqués de Bradomín Second Prize 2008). As a dramaturg he has worked with Julio Manrique on L’ànec Salvatge, Oriol Broggi on L’orfe del clan dels Zhao, Àngel Llàcer on El Petit Príncep and Juan Carlos Martel on Moby Dick, among others.
He has won various literary awards: the Ciutat de Sagunt Prize 2009 and the Ramon Vinyes Prize 2009 for Les sense ànima, the Lluís Solà Prize 2011 for Formigues and the Talúries Prize for Theatre 2011 and Marqués de Bradomín Second Prize 2011 for Caixes. He has published the novel for young people Els perseguidors de paraules and, with Jordi Basté, Un home cau; and in poetry, Primers Auxilis, Vermella and Desterrats. He has been a contributor to press and radio and currently takes part in El món on Rac1.
A Small Mosquito
Evening. Barcelona. A home in the Eixample. Raquel, the head of human resources for a multinational company has prepared a very special dinner for somebody who is about to arrive. A little before the arranged time, somebody knocks at the door and a stranger, called Fidel, turns up at her house with desserts. He wants to talk to her about his son, Toni, who just a week ago was fired from the same company where Raquel works. Little by little the cordial tone of the conversation will gradually become darker and more menacing.
Un mosquit petit explores the underground violence of an economic and social system that justifies the neglect of minorities and the weakest in the name of an implacable stability that sometimes forgets what the base values of the democratic agreement are. Where must we draw the line between each person’s responsibility and the weight of circumstances? What is hiding in the often boggy space that differentiates defence from revenge?
Play available in Catalan.
Play for 2 actors and 1 actress.
Cain & Abel
Cain & Abel is not a story about brothers, but rather two stories with the same starting point: a meeting of two people – a security guard and Abel – on a border on a very cold night. It is the first time that the two men have met but, without knowing about it, this meeting will change them for ever.
In the first part of the play, Cain, we discover the life of a family that has lived in the same village from the 1980s up to the present day. The father is a mechanic, the mother a farmer. One night, they discover that an immigrant, called Set, is stealing fruit from their small crop. They do not report him, however, and decide that he will stay there to work because their father is ill.
In the second part of the story, Abel, we experience the adventures of Abel from a very young age, when his father – Set – left to work in the first world and never returned. We see how he and Maria, his mother, try to survive in a time and a space that are completely savage, where the survival of the strongest is a law assumed by everyone. Abel works as a taxi driver and takes tourists from the airport to the hotel, where he meets Lilith, his wife. On one of these journeys, a customer will make him a business proposal which could earn him a lot of money and a ticket to the first world.
Play available in Catalan and English.
Play with many characters which can be performed by 4 actors and 2 actresses.