II Edition 2013/2014
Italy – Rome – Short Theatre
September 7th 2013
18.00 | Project presentation
19.30 | Pisica verde
by Elise Wilk
translated by Roberto Merlo
mise en espace by Lisa Ferlazzo Natoli
in collaboration with Alice Palazzi
with Caterina Acampora, Lorenzo La Posta, Anna Mallamaci, Valentina Morini, Francesca Verzaro, Mario Zaza
assistant director Francesca Zerilli
September 8th 2013
15.00 > 19.00 Talk with Elise Wilk
curated by Società italiana delle Letterate: Laura Fortini and Maria Vittoria Tessitore
19.00 | Villa Dolorosa
by Rebekka Kricheldorf
translated by Alessandra Griffoni
mise en espace of extracts of the text by Fabrizio Arcuri / Accademia degli Artefatti
with Caterina Acampora, Chiara Giorgetti, Davide Grillo, Anna Mallamaci,
Valentina Morini, Tommaso Spinelli, Mario Zaza
assistant director Francesca Zerilli
September 9th 2013
15.00 > 19.00 Talk with Rebekka Kricheldorf
curated by Società italiana delle Letterate: Paola Bono
Romania – Bucharest – Teatrul Odeon – UNACT
www.teatrul-odeon.ro www.unatc.ro
November 12th 2013
Teatrul Odeon | Studio Hall
19.30 | La rivincita
by Michele Santeramo
translated by Eva Simon
directed by Vlad Cristache
with Cristian Iacob, Gabriel Pintilei, Alina Berzunţeanu, Crina Mureşan, Mihai Calota
followed by discussion with the audience
November 13th 2013
UNATC – University of Theatre and Film
13.00 – 15.00 | Playwriting workshop with Michele Santeramo
Romania – Targu Mures – Teatrul National Târgu-Mures – Ariel
www.teatrunational.ro www.teatrulariel.ro
National Theatre of Targu-Mures
November 22nd 2013
11.00 | Protocol Room | Press Conference – Launching Fabulamundi project in Romania
16.00 | Parking Hall | Primo amore
by Letizia Russo
translated by Elena Purea
directed by Alina Nelega
with Nicolae Mihoc
November 23rd 2013
11.00 | Parking Hall | Contra el progreso (Against Progress)
by Esteve Soler
translated by Luminiţa Voina-Răuţ
directed by Ovidiu Caiță
with actors from National theatre of Targu-Mures
November 22nd + 23rd 2013
“Ariel” Children and Youth Theatre | Studio Hall
November 22nd 12.00 – 15.00; November 23rd 11.00 – 14.00 | Playwriting workshop with Letizia Russo
November 22nd 16.00 – 19.00; November 23rd 17.30 – 20.30 | Playwriting workshop with Esteve Soler
Romania – Bucharest – Teatrul Odeon – UNACT
www.teatrul-odeon.ro www.unatc.ro
February 25th 2014
Teatrul Odeon | Sala Majestic
19.30 | Sombras
by Marilia Samper
translated by Florin Galiş and Iunia Mircescu
directed by Vlad Cristache
followed by discussion with the audience
February 26th 2014
UNATC – University of Theatre and Film
13.00 – 15.00 | Playwriting workshop with Marilia Samper
Spain – Madrid – Teatro Pradillo – Universidad Carlos III
March 1rst 2014
Universidad Carlos III
16.00 – 19.00 Talk with Gianina Cărbunariu, Enrico Castellani and Letizia Russo
curated by Carlos Rod
March 1rst+2nd 2014
Teatro Pradillo
21.00 | Tigrul Sibian
by Gianina Cărbunariu
translated by Doina Fagadaru
reading by Fernanda Orazi, Claudia Faci and Ziad Chakaroun
from a proposed Antonio Fernández Lera
in collaboration with Óscar G. Villegas and Nilo Gallego
The end
by Enrico Castellani
translated by Marilena de Chiara
reading by Fernanda Orazi and Claudia Faci
musical collaboration of Gichi-Gichi Do
Primo amore
by Letizia Russo
translated by Raquel Vicedo
reading by Miguel Ángel Altet
Italy – Milan – Pim Off
Pim Off
March 9th + 10th 2014
March 9th 15.00 – 17.00
March 10th 11.00-13.00 | 15.00-18.00 Playwriting workshop with Claudia Faci
March 10th 2014
20.45 | Construyo sobre el olvido
by Claudia Faci
translated by the students of the University IULM
directed by and with Paola Bianchi
followed by discussion with the audience
Romania – Târgu Mures – Teatrul National Târgu Mures
March 10th 2014
18.00 | Märtyrer by Marius von Mayenburg
translated by Elise Wilk
directed by Theodor- Cristian Popescu
Italy – Milan – Pim Off
March 24th 2014
15.00-18.00 | Playwriting workshop with Roxana Marian
20.45 | Medea sau despre feririrea conjugala
by Roxana Marian
translated by Roberto Merlo
directed by C.ie Zerogrammi
followed by discussion with the audience
Germany – Heidelberg – Heidelberger Stückemarkt
April 6th 2014
17.00| Furie de sanghe
by Riccardo Spagnulo
translated by Werner Waas
by Marilia Samper
traslated by Stefanie Gerhold
by Csaba Székely
translated by Luisa Brandsdörfer
directed by Brigitte Ender
dramaturg Lene Grösch
with the actors of the Theater
19.30 | Close Babylonians? Discussion with the audience
France – Nancy-Lorraine – Festival Ring / La Manufacture
April 16th 2014
18.30 | Fils de personne (N.N. / Nomen Nescio)
by Francesca Garolla
translated by Olivier Favier
directed by Christine Koetzel
with the students of L3 de L’Université de Lorraine: Marion Boubekeur, Margaux Larson, Florian Antoine, Cathy Blaise, Morgane Deman, Elodie Fronty, Claire Le Guilloux, Isabelle Mambone, Noémie Torz
April 18th 2014
18.00 | Jecroisenunseuldieu (Credoinunsolodio)
by Stefano Massini
translated by Olivier Favier and Federica Martucci (with the support of Maison Antoine Vitez, centre international de traduction théâtrale)
directed by Michel Didym
with Julie Pilod
Romania – Bucharest – Teatrul Odeon – UNACT
April 28th 2014
Teatrul Odeon | Studio Hall
19.30 | Trois Ruptures
by Remi de Vos
translated by Vlad Russo
directed by Mihai Lungeanu
with Pavel Bartoş, Clara Flores, Cătălina Mustaţă, Ioan Batinaş, Elvira Deatcu, Alexandru Papadopol
April 29th 2014
UNATC – University of Theatre and Film
13.00 – 15.00 | Playwriting workshop with Remi de Vos
Italy – Milan – Olinda
May 22nd 2014
20.45 | Villa Dolorosa
by Rebekka Kricheldorf
translated by Alessandra Griffoni
directed of extracts of the text by Roberto Rustioni
with Antonio Gargiulo, Milena Costanzo, Roberto Rustioni, rest of the cast to be defined
a project of Associazione Teatro C/R and Olinda
Romania – Targu Mures – Teatrul National Târgu-Mures – Ariel
www.teatrunational.ro www.teatrulariel.ro www.uat.ro
Teatrul Ariel Târgu-Mureș
May 24th 2014
20.00 | Sala Studio | Il discorso dell’onorevole
by Massimo Sgorbani
translated by Livia Bazu
directed by Alinei Nelega
with Nicu Mihoc
followed by discussion with the audience
University of Arts from Târgu-Mureș
May 24th + 25th 2014
10.00-14.00 | 16.00-20.00 | Playwriting workshop with Massimo Sgorbani
Italy – Milan – Teatro i
May 26th 2014
20.00 | Lilli / HEINER Intra-muros
by Lucie Depauw
translated by the students of the University IULM
directed by and with Alberto Astorri and Paola Tintinelli / Teatro i
Germany – Munich – Residenztheater
May 30rd 2014
Akademietheater Ost
15.00 | Playwriting workshop with Lucia Calamaro
with the students of the Academy, in collaboration with Laura Olivi, dramaturg Residenztheater Munich
May 31rst 2014
Residenztheater – Marstall
19.00 | L’origine del mondo
by Lucia Calamaro
translated by Werner Waas
directed by Laura Olivi
George Kaplan
by Frèdèric Sonntag
translated by Jacob Schumann
directed by Christoph Todt
Sibian Tiger
by Gianina Carbonariu
translated by Luisa Brandsdörfer
directed by Christoph Hetzenecker
with the actors of the ensemble
followed by discussion with the audience moderated by Martin Berg, Goethe Institut Monaco
Italy – Turin – Festival delle Colline Torinesi
Scuola Holden
June 3rd 2014
19.00 | Elevator
by Gabriel Pintilei
translated by Barbara Pavetto
directed by Sergio Ariotti
with Luciana Maniaci and Francesco D’Amore
June 4th + 5th 2014
Playwriting workshop for Acting College with Gabriel Pintilei
Germany – Berlin – Deutsches Theater
June 6th 2014
by Fabrice Melquiot, Peca Ştefan, Magdalena Barile, Dirk Laucke, Lola Blasco
June 7th 2014
18.00 | BOX
Lilli/HEINER intra muros
by Lucie Depauw
translated by Christa Müller and Laurent Muhleisen
directed by Brit Bartkowiak
Lait o delle potenzialità luminose del corpo umano
by Magdalena Barile
translated by Sabine Heymann
En travaux
by Pauline Sales
translated by Leyla-Claire Rabih and Frank Weigand
George Kaplan
by Frédéric Sonntag
translated by Jakob Schumann
Pisica Verde
by Elise Wilk
translated by Ciprian Marinescu and Frank Weigand
directed by Brit Bartkowiak, Henning Bock, Leyla-Claire Rabih
dramaturg Christa Müller, Jakob Schumann
with Rüdiger Hauffe, Denis Larisch, Leoni Schulz, Anna Steffens (Staatstheater Mainz) – Lola Klamroht, Benjamin Radjaipour, Owen Peter Read, Solveijg Schomers, Adrienne von Mangoldt, Eric Wehlan (UdK Berlin) – Elias Arens, Natalia Belitski, Christoph Franken, Ole Lagerpusch, Franziska Machens (Deutsches Theater Berlin)
Italy – Turin – Festival delle Colline Torinesi
Fonderie Limone
June 13th + 14th 2014
19.00 | Die Unsichereit der Sachlage
by Philipp Löhle
translated by Umberto Gandini
directed by Valter Malosti
June 15th 17.00 + 16th 19.00 2014
Luft aus Stein
by Anne Habermehl
translated by Alessandra Griffoni
directed by Valter Malosti
Italy – Milan – Olinda – Teatro i
Olinda – TeatroLaCucina
June 16th 2014
21.45 | Mayo siglo XXI
by Fernando Renjifo
translated by the students of the University IULM
directed by and with Daria Deflorian and Antonio Tagliarini
Teatro i
June 18th 2014
20.00 | Contra el progreso
by Esteve Soler
translated by the students of the University IULM
directed by Renzo Martinelli / Teatro i
June 25th 2014
20.00 | Worst case
by Kathrin Röggla
directed by Renzo Martinelli / Teatro i
France – Paris – La Colline – Théâtre National / Paris
June 20th and 22nd 2014
by Daria Deflorian and Antonio Tagliarini
based on the reportage by Mariusz Szczygieł Reality
translated by Marzena Borejczuk, Nottetempo 2011
overtitles by Caroline Michel
June 20th and 22nd 2014
Ce ne andiamo per non darvi altre preoccupazioni
by Daria Deflorian and Antonio Tagliarini
with Daria Deflorian, Monica Piseddu, Antonio Tagliarini and Valentino Villa
translated by Caroline Michel
June 21st 2014
L’origine del mondo. Ritratto di un interno
by Lucia Calamaro
with Daria Deflorian, Federica Santoro, Daniela Piperno
Romania – Bucharest – Teatrul Odeon – UNACT
June 27th 2014
Teatrul Odeon | Studio Hall
19.30 | Malaga
by Lukas Bärfuss
translated by Ciprian Marinescu
UNATC – University of Theater and Film
13.00 – 15.00 | Playwriting workshop with Lukas Bärfuss
Spain – Barcelona – Grec Festival
July 10th 2014
18.00 | Hamlet ist tot. keine schwerkraft
by Ewald Palmetshofer
translated by Katia Pago
directed by Ferran Dordal i Lalueza
20.00 | Efectul Genovese
by Alina Nelega
translated by Xavier Montoliu
directed by Jordi Prat i Coll
July 11th 2014
18.00 | Les jeunes
by David Lescot
translated by Carles Batlle
directed by Carles Fernández Giua
20.00 | Lait o delle potenzialità luminose del corpo umano
by Magdalena Barile
translated by Marina Espasa
directed by Thomas Sauerteig
France – Pont à Mousson – Mousson d’été
August 22nd 2014
20.45 | reading on the radio
Tigrul Sibian
by Gianina Carbunariu
translated byAlexandra Lazarescou
directed by Alexandre Plank
with the actors of Mousson d’été
recorded live at the Mousson d’été with France Culture
August 23rd 2014
18.00| Romania! Te pup!
by Bogdan Georgescu
translated by Fanny Chartres in collaboration with Dag Jeanneret
directed by Éric Lehembre with the Bassin Mussipontain’s amateur theatre group
20.45 | Extase et quotidien
by Rebekka Kricheldorf
translated by Mathieu Bertholet
directed by Frédéric Sonntag
with Quentin Baillot, Louise Coldefy, Daniel Martin, Catherine Matisse, Philippe Thibault (music)
August 26th 2014
14.00 | La rivincita
by Michele Santeramo
translated by Federica Martucci with the support of Maison Antoine Vitez et de Face à Face / Paroles d’Italie pour les scènes de France
directed by Laurent Vacher
with Marie-Sophie Ferdane, Odja Llorca, Serge Maggiani, Daniel Martin, Bruno Ricci, Frédéric Sonntag
Italy – Rome – Short Theatre Festival
September 9th 2014
18.30 | Hell is just a sauna
by Katja Brunner
translated by Alessandra Griffoni | studio by Valentino Villa | cwith Valeria Almerighi, Roberta Azzarone, Barbara Chichiarelli, Vittoria Faro, Marco Palvetti, Francesco Petruzzelli, Stefano Vona Bianchini | set Francesco Mari | curated by Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica “Silvio d’Amico”
September 10th 2014
19:00 | Come zanzare nella luce
by Anne Habermehl (DE)
translated by Alessandra Griffoni | reading by Roberto Latini
September 11th 2014
17.15 | Meeting on contemporary european dramaturgy moderated by Antonio Calbi, Teatro di Roma Director
with the authors Katja Brunner, Anne Habermehl, Kathrin Röggla, (Germany), Remi De Vos, Frédéric Sonntag (France), Alina Nelega (Romania)
and with: Donatella Ferrante (Mibact), Oliviero Ponte di Pino (ateatro), Fabulamundi’s italian partners: Federica Fracassi (Teatro i), Isabella Lagattolla e Sergio Ariotti (Festival delle Colline Torinesi), and international partners.
19.45 | Il peggiore dei casi
by Kathrin Röggla (A/DE)
translated by the students of IULM University | mise en espace by Renzo Martinelli | dramaturgic adaptation Francesca Garolla | with Alberto Onofrietti, Paola Tintinelli and the voices of Federica Fracassi, Giovanni Franzoni, Valentina Picello, Libero Stelluti
September 12th 2014
19.30 | Trilogia della separazione
by Remi De Vos (FR)
translated by Anna D’Elia | mise en espace by and with Babilonia Teatri
September 13th 2014
19.30 | George Kaplan
by Frédéric Sonntag (FR)
translated by Camilla Brison | with the support of Comitato di Lettura del Teatro Valle Occupato | mise en espace by Veronica Cruciani
France – Marseilles – Festival actoral
October 4rth 2014
hour to be confermed | Scènes pour une conversation après le visionnage d’un film de Michael Haneke by Pablo Gisbert
translated by Cristina Vinuesa Munoz
directed by Céleste Germe & Das Plateau
Romania – Targu Mures – Teatrul National Târgu-Mures – Ariel
www.teatrunational.ro www.teatrulariel.ro
National Theatre of Targu-Mures
November 15th 2013
10:30 | Einigkeit und… by Dirk Laucke
Translated by Mircea Sorin Rusu
directed by Ovidiu Caita
November 16th 2013
10:30 | Le hibou, le vent et nous by Fabrice Melquiot
Translated by Eugenia Anca Rotescu
directed by Gavril Cadariu
November 16th 2013
16:00 |Desde la sombra / Bufones y payasos by Antonio Fernàndez Lera
Translated by Luminita Voina Raut
Directed by Olga Macrinici
France – Paris – Théâtre Ouvert
November 17th 2014
19.30 | Il discorso dell’onorevole by Massimo Sgorbani
translated by Olivier Favier
with Nicolas Bouchaud
November 18th 2014
20.30 | Mayo siglo XXI. ¿Es el fracaso un atributo del alma? by Fernando Renjifo
translated by Sonia Gómez-Jordana Ferary
directed by Jean-François Auguste
withLaure Calamy, Agnès Sourdillon, Claire Delaporte
France – Paris – Théâtre Ouvert
November 21st 2014
20.30 | Scènes pour une conversation après le visionnage d’un film de Michael Haneke by Pablo Gisbert
translated by Cristina Vinuesa Munoz
directed by Céleste Germe & Das Plateau
I Edition 2012
Production and management PAV With the support of MiBAC Direzione generale per lo Spettacolo dal Vivo In partnership with (in chronological order):
Teatrul Naţional din Târgu Mureş Universitatea de Arte din Târgu-Mureș Centro Párraga Off Limits Teatro Pradillo Teatrul Odeon Interkulturelles Theaterzentrum Deutsches Theater Berlin
And with Istituto Italiano di Cultura Madrid Istituto Italiano di Cultura Berlino Istituto Italiano di Cultura Bucarest
Programme 2012
Rome / Short Theatre www.shorttheatre.org
-13 September Gospodin by Philipp Löhle Translated by Alessandra Griffoni edited by Goethe Institute with Andrea Di Casa e Federica Santoro Production Fattore K
Târgu Mureș / University of Arts of Târgu Mureș, Faculty of Romanian Theatre www.teatrunational.ro
-10 November Workshop with Letizia Russo and the students of the playwriting course
-11 November Binario morto by Letizia Russo translated by Horia Corneliu Cicortas with Andrada Samoila, Loredana Dascalu, Lorena Rapea, Alexandra Tifrea, Bianca Cuteanu, Andrei Stan, Cristian Iorga, Madalin Costea, Alexandru Caza, Bogdan Ceteras stage direction Adelin Ilie director Professor associate Dr. Marius Oltean
Bucharest / Odeon Theatre – Studio Hall www.teatrul‐odeon.ro
-26 November Nunzio by Spiro Scimone translated by Veronica Bordian
-7 December Exit by Fausto Paravidino translated by Cerasela Barbone
Murcia / Centro Párraga www.centroparraga.es
-17 November L’origine del mondo. Ritratto di un interno by Lucia Calamaro translated by Carmen Escriche, Ruth Weiner Graells with Javier Mula López and Rolando Vásquez Cruz director Oscar Molina
Madrid / Off Limits www.offlimits.es
-from 19 to 23 November Installation No reeducables by Francisco Ruiz de Infante from Donna non rieducabile by Stefano Massini
-21 November Meeting with the playwright
Madrid / Teatro Pradillo www.teatropradillo.com
-20 November Donna non rieducabile by Stefano Massini translated by Miguel Acebes directed and performed by Emilio Tomé
Berlin / Italian Cultural Institute www.iicberlino.esteri.it/IIC_Berlino
-13 December L’origine del mondo. Ritratto di un interno by Lucia Calamaro translated by Werner Waas
Babele by Letizia Russo translated by Sabine Heymann (publishing house Kiepenheuer Bühnenvertrieb) introduction by Christa Müller directed by Werner Waas with the actors of the Deutsches Theater.