This page gathers all the publications realized by the international network of Fabulamundi Playwriting Europe from 2013 to 2020.
In the uncertainty that affects our time, we feel more than ever the need to go back to the word as an organism of sense and dissent, as a creative and dubitative device, as a thinking machine and conscience of our days. From 2013 to 2020, Fabulamundi extended its range of action, formulating policies of active participation and methodologies of involvement that can tell and witness the diversity that the cultural European landscape has to guarantee. It is in this perspective of diffusion and attention to the phenomena of our present that Fabulamundi Playwriting Europe promotes a synergistic approach aimed at publishing texts and authors of contemporary dramaturgy. In order to achieve a privileged look at the European geographies and give a written, material and real consistency to the dense, feverish anatomy of our ideas.


Fabulamundi Dramaturgia w Europie. Ponad granicami?
French author Nathalie Fillion
Translator Aleksandra Stelmach
Smutek i Melancholia (Sadness and Melancholy)
German author Bonn Park
Translator Iwona Nowacka
Sceny zbrodni małżeńskich (Scenes of Domestic Violence)
French author Gerard Watkins
Translator Aleksandra Stelmach
Kalif pocałuje nas w czoło (The Caliph Will Kiss Our Foreheads)
Austrian author Muhammet Ali Bas
Translator Iwona Nowacka
Rewolucja przeciw równości (Revolution Against Equality)
Spanish author Esteve Soler
Translator Zuzanna Bućko
Language: Polish

Pět evropských her
Spojení Evropa
French author Alexandra Badea
Translator Markéta Damková
Scottish author Ella Hickson
Translator Hana Nováková
Jen Pro Tvé Dobro
Italian author Pier Lorenzo Pisano
Translator Katerina Bohadlová
Textilní Trilogie
Austrian author Volker Schmidt
Translator Jana Slouková
Krátké rozhovory s výjimečnými ženami
Spanish author Joan Yago
Translator Romana Rédlová
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Auf den Spuren der Kuh
Austrian author Maxi Obexer
Richtung Reichenberg
Czech author Jaroslav Rudiš
Polish author Małgorzata Sikorska-Miszczuk
language: German
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Europe Connection
Europe Connection – Confessione di lobbista
French author Alexandra Badea
Translator Attilio Scarpellini
Language: Italian
Audiobook available on Storytel, Audible and Fonderia Mercury

Gli sposi
(The spouses)

Dramaturgie europeană contemporană II
Polish author Elzbieta Chowaniec
Translator Luiza Săvescu
Amor mundi
Spanish author Victoria Szpunberg
Translator Ionuț Grama
Italian author Erika Galli and Martina Ruggeri
Translator Eva Simon
Pentru binele tău
Italian author Pier Lorenzo Pisano
Translator Florin Galiș
You say tomato
Spanish author Joan Yago
Translator Florin Galiș
Sadness & Melancholy
German author Bonn Park
Translator Ciprian Marinescu
Editura Cheiron
language: Romanian

an anthology with short texts by Austrian authors Muhammet Ali Bas, Azar Mortazavi, Thomas Perle and Bernhard Studlar and Romanian authors Alexandra Pâzgu and Elise Wilk
language: German
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Ricomporre l’infranto – due pezzi teatrali
(I don’t remember very well & Scenes of domestic violence)

Stillleben mit Schauspielern
(Natura morta con attori)
Italian author Fabrizio Sinisi
Translator Werner Waas
Eine Publikation des Itz Berlin e.V. im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsrehie “Dramatischen Republik”
languages: German, Italian

Bicicleta Roșie – Piese Fabulamundi
Laika. Numere meu e câine (Laika. My name is dog)
Czech author David Košťák
Translator Lidia Nasincova
Rândunica (The Swallow)
Spanish author Guillem Clua
Translator Luminiţa Voina-Răuţ
Vremea Culesului (A Time to Reap)
Polish author Anna Wakulik
Translator Selma Dragoș
Bicicleta roșie (The red bicycle)
Italian author Valentina Diana
Translator Eva Simon
A te scufunda în apă (Head Under Water)
Spanish author Helena Tornero
Translator Luminiţa Voina-Răuţ
Unitext, UArtPress
language: Romanian

No me acuerdo muy bien & Europía
(I don’t remember very well & Europia)
French author Gérard Watkins
Translators Walter Romero, Silvio Mattoni
Libros del Zorzal
language: Spanish
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Alta villa & El arma
(Alta villa & The weapon)
French author Lancelot Hamelin
Translators Juan Pablo Pizarro de Trenqualye, Lil Sclavo
Libros del Zorzal
language: Spanish
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Penthy sobre la franja & The Lulu Projekt
(Penthy on the strand & The Lulu Projekt)
French author Magali Mougel
Translators Juan Pablo Pizarro de Trenqualye, Silvio Mattoni
Libros del Zorzal
language: Spanish
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Al fondo del pasillo a la derecha & Investigación sobre una evaporación antes del olvido
(Down to the hall to the right & Wings without W)
French author Aurore Jacob
Translators Silvio Mattoni, Sol Gil
Libros del Zorzal
language: Spanish
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Extremófilo & Conexión Europa
(Extremophile & Europe Connection)
French author Alexandra Badea
Translators Walter Romero, Lil Sclavo
Libros del Zorzal
language: Spanish
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35 off cartell
paradís inundar – simfonia extraviada (flooding paradise – lost symphony)
Austrian author Thomas Köck
Translator Albert Tola
Avinguda Nacional (National avenue)
Czech author Jaroslav Rudiš
Translator Naila Rami Oms
No em penedeixo de res (I regret nothing)
Romanian author Csaba Székely
Translator Antònia Escandell Tur
language: Catalan
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34 off cartell
El rugit de la Via Làctia (The Rumbling of the Milky Way)
German author Bonn Park
Translator Maria Bosom
La Peppa Pig pren consciència de ser una porqueta (Peppa Pig becomes aware of being a pig)
Italian author Davide Carnevali
Translator Júlia Canosa i Serra
language: Catalan
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Pour ton bien
(For your own good)
Italian author Pier Lorenzo Pisano
Translator Federica Martucci
Tapuscrit, Theâtre Ouvert
language: French
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32 off cartell
Punys (Poings)
French author Pauline Peyrade
Translator Ferran Utzet
Temps de sega (A time to reap)
Polish author Anna Wakulik
Translator Xavier Farré
language: Catalan
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Tu es libre
(You are free)

Lingua madre Mameloschn
(Mother Tongue Mameloschn)
German author Sasha Marianna Salzmann
Translator Alessandra Griffoni
Cue Press
language: Italian
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Dramaturgie europeană contemporană
Revanșa (The Payback)
Italian author Michele Santeramo
Translator Eva Simon
Umbre (Shadows)
Spanish author Marilia Samper
Translators Florin Galiș, Iunia Mircescu
Trei despărțiri (Three separations)
French author Rémi De Vos
Translator Vlad Russo
Malaga (Malaga)
German author Lukas Bärfuss
Translator Ciprian Marinescu
Doar despre mine. Dacă n-aș fi fost Ifigenia, aș fi Alcesta sau Medeea (Just about me – if I hadn’t been Ifigenia I would be Alcesti or Medea)
Italian author Francesca Garolla
Translators Florin Galiș, Iunia Mircescu
Pământul făgăduinței (Promised Land)
Spanish author Guillem Clua
Translators Florin Galiș, Iunia Mircescu
Editura Cheiron
language: Romanian

Il gatto verde
(The green cat)

Lilli Heiner
(Lilli/HEINER intra-muros)

(Lait or On the Shining Potentials of the Human Body)

Villa dolorosa
(Villa dolorosa. Three bad birthdays)