Together, separately?

Playwright: Anna Wakulik
Associated Partner: SisterInArt
Twinned playwrights: Alexandra Koch, Ingeborg von Zadow, Roberto Scarpetti

Duration: 1 month
Participants: 10 participants from all over Poland
Location: Teatr Wybrzeze in Gdańsk
Time: 3-4 February, 1-5 May, 17-19 June 2024

The path, that foresees 3 workshops, will be devoted to the concept of solidarity – both the historical one, associated with the city and its role in the events of the political breakthrough of 1989, and the idea of solidarity in a broad sense, private life and human relationships concerning us today and tomorrow.

The first part, running from 3 February, will see Anna Wakulik introducing the main theme to the participants and inviting them to shape the contexts and design of the text.

The whole process will end with a reading of the created plays on the stage of Teatr Wybrzeże in September 2024.