La pelle del mondo. Forme di preparazione per la partenza

Playwright: Eva Geatti
: Short Theatre
Twinned playwright
: Oriol Morales i Pujolar

Duration: January 19th to March 27th
Participants: young students
Location: I.I.S. Aldini Valeriani in Bologna
Time: 19-26 January   2-9-16 February   20-22/27 March

The workshop will run from January 19th to March 27th at the I.I.S. Aldini Valeriani in Bologna involving their students as participants.

During the classroom sessions, the group will read the first chapter of the novel “Il Monte Analogo” (1952) to investigate the profound relational dynamics between the characters and the revelations with unexpected twists, to question keywords such as journey, path, dream, loyalty, objective, imaginary concrete, group or consortium, training, and then attempt writing exercises.