Alina Nelega / Romania

Alina Nelega

1. Where was your play presentation done and when? Can you please tell us how was your experience in the frame of the project?

The Genovese Effect, in BArcelona, Sala Beckett, during the Greek Festival. It was a good experience, the presentation was almost a full-fledged performance.

2. Write a couple of sentences about the feedback you received from the audience.

The audience was interested in extending discussions about the subject of the play, and relating it ro their own cultural experiences.

3. What were your major benefits from this experience?

Meeting directors, actors and playwrights, contacts and emerging new projects.

4. During the presentation or other activities (workshops, conferences etc) you probably interacted with other auhors/directors/actors/managers. Did any personal project emerge out of this interaction?


5. Were there any follow-ups to your presentation?

Interviews, the request to translate the play in Spanish as well, not only in Catalan.

6. Please make some suggestions for the improvement of such events in the future.

I liked that the presentation was included in a festival – also, the attention of the media was channelled. It would be good to have all the plays translated in a language that is accessible to all the playwrights, i.e. English, so that we could read each other’s plays. Since English is the language that we share, I suggest that we fully use it.