1. Where was your play presentation done and when? Targo-Mures (Romania, November 2013), Milan (Italy, June 2014), Avignon (France, July 2014)
Can you please tell us how was your experience in the frame of the project?
In the three cases I was attending readings of my plays, but in Targo-Mures there were also a show of my play ‘Against love’. The experience was amazing! I think that the Fabulamundi project gives a lot of meaning to the cultural European spirit, to the idea of sharing cultures in the same territory.
2. Write a couple of sentences about the feedback you received from the audience.
The shows were always crowded (except in Avignon) and the audience was gentle and kind, always interested in the contemporary content of the plays.
3. What were your major benefits from this experience?
To keep in contact with the professionals that I knew previously in Romania and France, with a renewed and enthusiastic audiences, and to met a marvelous and creative independent theatre in Milan.
4. During the presentation or other activities (workshops, conferences etc) you probably interacted with other authors/directors/actors/managers. Did any personal project emerge out of this interaction?
I know that there are new projects with my plays there, but still under development.
5. Were there any follow-ups to your presentation?
Always. And very interesting.
6. Please make some suggestions for the improvement of such events in the future.
For me, theatre it’s only interesting if it’s contemporary, if theatre tries to connect with its audience. Something as simple as that, but extremely complicated to see in Barcelona, for example. Fabulamundi is it not only a way to promote that theatre, but also a way to expanding it. I hope that Fabulamundi will grow into something much more mature and complex. Thank you.