Rebekka Kricheldorf / Germany

Rebekka Kricheldorf

1. Where was your play presentation done and when? Can you please tell us how was your experience in the frame of the project?

A lecture of my play VILLA DOLOROSA during the short theatre festival in rome september 2013 and in teatro olinda may 2014 in milano. A lecture of EXTASE ET QUOTIDIEN during the festival pont sur mousson august 2014.
It is always interesting for me to see how my play sounds in an other language and how a foreign audience react on my plays.

2. Write a couple of sentences about the feedback you received from the audience.

I received very posititve feed back from the audience. I think most of the people like the opportunity to get in touch with new plays from contemporary playwrights they didn’t know before.

3. What were your major benefits from this experience?

Making new contacts to theater makers from different countries and meet other playwrights from abroad.

4. During the presentation or other activities (workshops, conferences etc) you probably interacted with other auhors/directors/actors/managers. Did any personal project emerge out of this interaction?

No, not in the sense of a new project, but a lot of new opportunities to show my plays in other countrys.

5. Were there any follow-ups to your presentation?

Yes, all three presentations had a good impact on following projects. Because a lot of theatere makers from different countrys and theatres had been present who where interested in the play after the lecture. The plan to translate Villa Dolorosa in catalan and stage it there for example. And a theatre in Paris is intersted in “Extase et Quotidien”.

6. Please make some suggestions for the improvement of such events in the future.

No suggestions!

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