october, 2019

20oct(oct 20)1:00 am27(oct 27)1:00 amPresentation of an anthology of Fabulamundi's text in Targu-Mures

Event Details

The University of Arts in Târgu-Mureș is preparing an editorial event, which will take place in mid-October. UATPress, the publishing house of the university, together with UNITEXT (the publishing house of The Romanian Theatre Union) will launch, in the framework of the National Theatre Festival in Bucharest, the anthology Bicicleta roșie - piese Fabulamundi 2017 - 2020 (The Red Bicycle - Fabulamundi Plays 2017 - 2020). The volume will feature plays by David Košťák, Guillem Clua, Anna Wakulik, Valentina Diana, Joan Nederlof and Helena Tornero.



20 (Sunday) 1:00 am - 27 (Sunday) 1:00 am