Chiara Boscaro

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Chiara Boscaro – 1985. Degrees in Human Science for Communication at the University of Milan and Dramaturgy at the Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi. With Marco Di Stefano wrote 07.09.2012, selected by PIIGS Festival de Dramatúrgia sobre la crisi in Barcelona, Bedda Maki, winner of the prize Una commedia in cerca d’autori 2016 and The City Rises, winner of Mario Fratti Award 2018 and selected by Eurodram 2018. She works with Roberto Rustioni (One act plays by Anton Chekhov). Her latest texts on stage are the monologues of the PENTATEUCO International Project (produced by La Confraternita del Chianti / Ass. K.).

GENESI pentateuco #1

She is alone. She is foreigner. She is new in Babel. Soon she will be a mamma. Mamma is just a name, but it is the first name for everyone. Now she has to name every single thing in her new world. She has to learn the language, she has to pass the exam. Her egg will not be born in another place, she chose this country without smells, this country will give a name to her egg. When it will have a name, it will exist. GENESIS pentateuch #1 is a play (and a performance) involving the body and the speech, the music and the writing. Using Italian and Esperanto we try to discover the deepest part of our own language in order to learn another and deeper way to communicate. Maybe without words. GENESIS pentateuch #1 is the first part of the Pentateuch International Project, a series of five monologues concerning the Immigration involving italian company “La Confraternita del Chianti” and 5 foreign partners all across Europe (Romania, Sweden, Croatia, Spain and United Kingdom).

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