december, 2019

12dec(dec 12)1:00 am15(dec 15)1:00 am4 Fabulamundi texts at Teatro Stabile di Bolzano

Event Details

Wiener Wortstaetten in collaboration with Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen and Teatro stabile di Bolzano from the 12th to the 15th December will presented “Wordbox Fabulamundi”: a collage of four plays staged by young director Nicola Bremer presenting Industria Indipendente Lullaby and Fabrizio Sinisi Heiliger Krieg in German and Azar Mortazavi Il tempo sospeso and Miroslava Svolikova Europa flieht nach Europa in Italian. More information are available here



12 (Thursday) 1:00 am - 15 (Sunday) 1:00 am